
Board of Revenue

The Board of Revenue composed of a Chairman and two Members on administrative side and seven Members on the Judicial side. It is responsible for supervision and control of all Land Records, Settlement and Revenue matters, administrative and Judicial, in the State. According to the provisions of section 5 of the U.P Land Revenue Act, the control of all non-Judicial matters connected with land revenue, other than matters, connected with settlement, is vested in the state Govt. and control of all judicial matters and of all matters connected with settlement is vested in the Board. The State Govt. has delegated many powers to the Board to control non-judicial matters connected with land revenue also.

The main administrative function of the Board are as under :-

  1. Supervision, direction and control of the work of Divl. Commissioners, Collectors, S.D.O.s and Tahsildars. This also includes inspections of the work of Tahsildars, Collectors and Commissioners and submission of annual remarks to Govt. about the work and conduct of the Commissioner’s Collectors and S.D.O.s
  2. Establishment of Tahsildars and Naib Tahsildars and Sadar Kanungos.
  3. Establishment of district and divisional offices.
  4. Establishment of accounts organization and Board’s office at Allahabad and Lucknow.
  5. Administration or Government Estates and Colonization scheme.
  6. Survey, settlement and Record operations.
  7. Maintenance of Land records.
  8. Collection, compilation and publication of statistics relating to land agriculture.
  9. Supervision, direction and implementation of land reforms measures.
  10. Training of lekhpals, Kanungaos and other staff in land survey.
  11. Work relating to abolition of Zamindari in urban areas of the state.
  12. Work relating to payment of compensation under the U.P.Z.A & L.R.Act.
  13. Administration of U.P Land Ceiling Act.
  14. Land Acquisition work including establishment of special Land Acquisition Officers.
  15. Administrative of Taqavi Act including allocation and sanction of Taqvi loans to district and divisions.
  16. Direction and supervision of work relating to collections of land Revenue and Land Development Tax, Irrigation and Taqavi dues and other Government dues which includes :-
    • Consolidation costs.
    • Forest dues
    • Excise dues.
    • Trade Tax
    • Motor vehicle taxes
    • Development loans
    • Industrial loans
    • Agriculture seed store
    • Electricity dues.

    Such other dues as are recoverable as arrears of Land Revenue.

  17. Assisting Government in the Administration and supervision of the flood, drought, scarcity and relief measures. .
  18. Administration and maintenance of revenue building.
  19. Supervision of all revenue court work in the state.
  20. Work relating to Agriculture and live stock census.
  21. Work relating to small savings.
  22. Supervision of work relating Evacuee property.
  23. The Board of Revenue also function as the Head of the Department in the following cases.
    As Director of Land Records, for revenue staff. Lekhpals, Assistant Registrar Kanungos, Registrar Kanugos, Supervisor Kanungos and Sadar Kanungos.
    Land Reforms Commissioner for Land reforms matters.
    Compensation Commissioner for assessment and payment of compensation under U.P.Z.A. and L.R.Act
    Settlement Commissioner for Record operations and settlement.
    Head of Department of other revenue staff.To visit Official Website of Board of Revenue Click Here